Donnerstag, 25. August 2016

Neue Version Cobra ODE QSV 5.20C in 2016 ist verfügbar !!

Gute Nachricht :

wenn Sie die offizielle Webseite von COBRA ODE schauen ,werden Sie eine gute Nachricht sehen ,Neue Version Cobra ODE QSV 5.20C ist ab Juli verfügbar ! .Jetzt kann man bei COBRA 5.3C kaufen ,kostet €78.9 !Hier ist die Bilder :

17 - 8 - 2016

Cobra ODE News - Information

A bug has been spotted in the 5.2 C ODE FW which can cause the USB HDD or USB flash drive not to be detected ocassionally. We have resolved the bug and the required update is available in the downloads section. Only 5.2C ODE require this update. .


25 - 7 - 2016

Cobra ODE News - Information

  Team Cobra is proud to present the next generation of ODE, the 5.20C.

Compatible with 25xx, 3xxx and 4xxx series consoles to 4.80 OFW.
The 5.20C has inbuilt DMC (Drive Motor Controller) circuitry. We have greatly reduced the size of the PCB, with many optimizations in terms of components used. We are now running our own SATA core which allows for further speed increases and much more flexibility.

The Cobra 5.20C ODE is much more compact, Flexible and faster design at a lower price!

We are now shipping 5.20C to Cobra resellers.

The updated user manual is available in the downloads section!